Koinonia 是一個交大和清大校園的基督教團契,透過學習聖經和活出聖經的真理來分享神的愛。
Koinonia最初在加州柏克萊大學開始,之後也在美國不同的校園建立團契,我們在新竹交大和清大的團契是從2007年開始的。現在在教會裡服事的staff們,有一些是來自美國的華僑,有一些是清大、交大的學生和校友。雖然來自不同的國家和文化背景,但是在神的愛裡,我們的感情卻是”零距離”!你一定會好奇”Koinonia”到底是甚麼意思!?它其實是一個希臘字, 代表與神與主內弟兄姊妹們一起分享的生活。這正是我們所重視的:與神,也和彼此建立關係。我們希望你也能一起加入這個大家庭!
friday night plus!
We strive to imitate the kind of fellowship described in Acts 2 by doing life together in Home Groups. You'll find other students you can build relationships with and learn about God's purpose for our lives in a small group setting - eating, learning, and making memories together!
We start off with a delicious dinner, followed by a thought-provoking message, then top it off with some good old fun, doing anything from playing sports or games to going out for dessert or night outings in SF with our friends!
gracepoint sundays
Whether you've grown up in church or have never before looked into Christianity, we believe college is the best time to see the Bible as reliable and of utmost importance and relevance to our lives. Our life-on-life discipleship groups in our ministry makes this a reality.